About me

My name is Agnieszka Nowinska. I am Polish, lived in Belgium for many years, now located in Denmark. I am an Assistant Professor at the Aalborg University Business School. I held a PhD in Management and Economics from the Copenhagen Business School (2018) and before that I studied at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels & Solvay Business School (Master in Management 2010).

I worked for 8 years as a business development manager in a private company in Brussels and served as Trade Officer at the Embassy of Poland in Belgium. The research part of my business development job as well as the focus on networks, mobility, and relationships is at the core of my research and teaching now. For more information about me see my Academic CV.

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Check a video summary of my research on network determinants published in JBR

Scientific Focus Areas
I am an Assistant Professor with a strong interest in network and mobility studies. I studied employees’ migrations worldwide following an organizational failure of a large Danish MNE but also the evolution of employees’ careers in terms of their international assignments. A part of these, I studied global buyer-supplier relations with focus on local vs. distant relationships.
I study employees’ mobility and co-mobility worldwide following a failure of a large MNE. I am also interested in supplementing the knowledge on MNE global staffing and study novel staffing strategies including local staffing.
Network formation and persistence are my core interests. I study the drivers of employees’ co-mobility at the individual level and the networks between employees and employers. I also study buyer-supplier networks along with their determinants including proximity (local vs. global networks).
My study of global networks led me to elaborate on the internationalization of service firms, such as brokers. I study the process of “following the client” in such respect and the agency of such firms in their internationalization process. In another study, I elaborate on how service firms with different value creation logics internationalize.
Published work
  • Safe Distance to the Wreck Site: Organizational Failure and Intra-Professional Status Changes, M Lorenzen, KV Andersen, A Nowinska, Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 15952 (BFI2).
  • All hands on deck? Comobility and career outcomes after organizational failure, Nowinska, A. U., Tartari, V. & Mudambi, R., 1 sep. 2021, Academy of Management Proceedings. Academy of Management, Bind 11552 (BFI2).
  • Ships and relationships: Competition, geographical proximity, and relations in the shipping industry, Nowinska, A. U., 2019, I: Journal of Business Research. 101, s. 161-170 (BFI2).
  • Supplier’s Network Churn, Buyer-Supplier Embeddedness, and Transaction Price Outcomes, Kumar, P., Nowinska, A. U. & Schramm, H-J., 1 sep. 2021, I: Academy of Management Proceedings. 2021, 1 (BFI2).
  • Uncertainty, status-based homophily, versatility, repeat exchange and social exchange in the container shipping industry, Nowinska, A. U. & Schramm, H-J., 9 mar. 2021, I: Journal of Business Research. 128, s. 524-536 13 s. (BFI2)
  • Together or Alone? Value Creation Logics in Internationalised Service Firms, Nowinska, A. U. & Marinova, S. T., 22 dec. 2021, Business Models and Firm Internationalisation. Nielsen, C., Marinova, S. & Marinov, M. (red.). London: Routledge, s. 190-212 (Routledge Frontiers in the Development of International Business, Management and Marketing). (BFI2)reements
  • What drives ports around the world to adopt air emissions abatement measures?, Sornn-Friese, H. Taudal Poulsen, R., Nowinska, A. U, Langen, P. (BFI2)
Publications in progress
  • Global deployment in MNEs’ staffing decisions: a multilevel configurational approach, Nowinska. A. U. & Marinova. S. T, 2022, Journal of International Business Studies, Revise and Resubmit (1st round) (BFI 2).
  • Picking the spoils: the role of previous subsidiary assignment when MNCs hire experts displaced by the failure of a rival, Andersen, K., Lorenzen, M., Nowinska. A. U, Global Strategy Journal, Revise and Resubmit (1st round) (BFI2).
  • Kumar, Pankaj, Nowinska, Agnieszka, Schramm, Hans-Joachim. 2021. Supplier's network churn, buyer-supplier embeddedness, and transaction price outcomes. In Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2021 (1), Hrsg. Academy of Management, 15201-15201. Vancouver: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Journal of Operations Management, Revise and Resubmit (1st round) (BFI2).
  • Doors and walls: physical barriers and knowledge sharing, Nowinska, A. U, Pedersen, T., Industry and Innovation, Revise and Resubmit (2nd round) (BFI 2).
  • Spatial diversification: constrained agency in intermediation- Nowinska, A. U, Mudambi, R. Oxford University Press, Handbook of Spatial Diversity and Business Economics, under Review (2nd round) (BFI2).
  • Managers and non-managers propensity to switch between intuitive-experiential and analytical-rational approaches: “rationally stepping up” or “staying tuned”, Nowinska, A. U. , Pedersen, T., Journal of Business Research, Revise and Resubmit (2nd round) (BFI2).
Join our webinar where the aim is to reduce tha gap between HR Research and HR Practice.
We have invited Agnieszka Nowinska, PhD from Copenhagen Business School to talk about her research within the field of HR Analytics.

Friday, April 29th
10:00 - 11.00 AM (CEST)
Feel free to write and call me. Im really love to have a chat about networks and HR (mobility/migrations)
+45 518 90 455
Fibigerstræde 11, 44, 9220 Aalborg,Denmark

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